中华人民共和国 ××动植物检疫所 | 检 验 证 书 |
(……ANIMAL AND PLANT QUARAN- TINE SERVICE THE PEOPLE′S RE- PUBLIC OF CHINA) 地址:________________________________ (ADDRESS: ) 电报挂号:____________________________ (CABLE:_________________________) | (INSPECTION CERTIFICATE) 第 号 (NO. ) 年 月 日 (DATE ) |
发货人 |
(Consignor)________________________________________________________________________________ |
受货人 |
(Consignee)________________________________________________________________________________ |
品 名 (Commodity)__________________________ | 标记及号码: (Mark & Number)__________________ |
报检重量及(或)数量 |
(Weight &/or Quantity Declared)_______________________________________________________ |
发货港或站 (Port or Station of Despatch)__________________ | 到货日期 (Date of Arrival)__________________ |
装运船名或车号 (Means of Conveyance)__________________________ | 卸货日期 (Date of Completion of Discharge)______ |
本批货物经本所于 年 月 日检验,发现有下列病、虫、杂草籽: (This lot of commodity was examinedon by this service and the following diseases and/orinsect pests and /or weed seeds were found:) |
这批货物不附合买卖双方签定的第 号贸易合同的规定。 (This lot of commodity doesn't comply with the requirements stipulated inteh contract No. agreed betwween the consignor and the consignee) |
所长 (Director) | 检验员 (inspector) |