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您的位置:首页软件教程AutoCADAutoCAD资料教程 → AUTOCAD的注册表详解
日期:2007-9-9 22:08:52 人气:117     [ ]
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ProductName - STRING - "Product Name"

Release - STRING - "Release"

SerialNumber - STRING - "Serial Number"

VBAComponents - DWORD - Microsoft VBA components (reserved)

VBALanguage - DWORD - Microsoft Language identification code

VBAVersion - DWORD - Microsoft VBA version (reserved)

The only interesting value is ACAD, and at least this is the only one used by

AutoCAD to create a new login user HKEY_CURRENT_USER section when started the

first time.

The 'Applications' sub-section contains the ARX application demand loading

information. This section should be the only section your application (or

installer) should modify. Here is the structure, you should follow:


key: MyApp\

value: LOADCTRLS - DWORD - Demand load type

value: REGPATH - STRING - "PATH in the registry to the application registry





REGPATH - "\\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\DcgCompany\DcgApplication"

The LOADCTRLS may be a bit wise or'd combination of any of the following:

kOnProxyDetection = 0x01, load the ARX application when objects of custom

classes it

controls are loaded via drawing open, dxfin,

insert, etc.

kOnAutoCADStartup = 0x02, load the ARX application when AutoCAD starts up

kOnCommandInvocation = 0x04, load the ARX application whenever an unknown

command is executed

that it has a registry entry for

kOnLoadRequest = 0x08, allow loading of the ARX application via the

AcRxDynamicLinker::loadApp() method

kLoadDisabled = 0x10 do not demand load the ARX application for any


The other sub-sections like 'AutodeskApps' and 'Reinstall' should not be

modified by a third party. But the 'AutodeskApps' sub-section is useful to help

you understanding the structure you need to implement for demand loading of your

ARX application as it contains the demand load information for the Autodesk ARX

application for demand load. Here is a short summary of what you need:

key: Commands\

value: InternationalCmd - STRING - "LocalizedCmd"

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