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您的位置:首页软件教程AutoCADAutoCAD资料教程 → AUTOCAD的注册表详解
日期:2007-9-9 22:08:52 人气:117     [ ]
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HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Interface\{24B8A4E0-432A-11D0-A893-0800091B9B14}\TypeLib =




The entry key in that section for AutoCAD is located at:


Under that key, you will find a value named 'CurVer' which contains the last

installed and default AutoCAD identifier in form of:


This identifier is used to identify a given AutoCAD on a platform where there is

multiple AutoCAD installed. Having that identifier, you can easily find out

which AutoCAD will be used by the system, in case you double-click on a DWG

file, or if you launch AutoCAD via an ActiveX client executable.

However, it does not mean this will always be that AutoCAD which is going to be

used every time. A user can launch AutoCAD from the 'Start Menu', and then this

identifier is useless. For your information, an ObjectARX application can

retrieve the used identifier with the 'acrxProductKey()' function.

Ok. Having that identifier, we can now go further in the AutoCAD registry

structure. So under key:


you will find some other values which are used by AutoCAD to create the AutoCAD

HKEY_CURRENT_USER entries when a new login user start AutoCAD the first time.

Note that the AutoCAD installer does not create anything in the

HKEY_CURRENT_USER section at installation time, and so needs the followings

entries to be able to initialize itself at startup. We will see later that it is

important for your application to do this as well.

So here is the list of value, their type and their usage:

ACAD - STRING - "Default AutoCAD search PATH"

AcadLocation - STRING - "ACAD.EXE path"

LangAbbrev - STRING - "Language of the installed AutoCAD (2 letters code)"

Language - STRING - "Language of the installed AutoCAD"

LocaleId - STRING - "Microsoft Language identification code"

NetSupport - STRING - "ADLM support (ie: solution 19475)"

ProductId - STRING - "Product ID"

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