焊接专业英语词汇(3) |
日期:2007-9-3 22:04:46 人气:516 [大 中 小] |
低氢型焊条low hydrogen type electrode 高韧性超低氢焊条high toughness super low hydrogen electrode 奥氏体焊条austenitic electrode 铁素体焊条ferritic electrode 不锈钢焊条stainless steel electrode 珠光体耐热钢焊条pearlitic heat resistant steel electrode 低温钢焊条low temperature steel electrode/ steel electrode for low temperature 铝合金焊条aluminum alloy arc welding electrode 铜合金焊条copper-alloy arc welding electrode 铜芯铸铁焊条cast iron electrode with steel core 纯镍铸铁焊条pure nickel cast iron electrode 球墨铸铁焊条electrode for welding spheroidal graphite cast iron 铸芯焊条electrode with cast core wire 镍基合金焊条nickel base alloy covered electrode 蒙乃尔焊条Monel electrode 纯铁焊条pure iron electrode 渗铝钢焊条alumetized steel electrode 高效率焊条high efficiency electrode 铁粉焊条iron powder electrode 底层焊条backing welding electrode 深熔焊条deep penetration electrode 重力焊条gravity electrode 立向下焊条electrode for vertical down position welding 节能焊条saving energy electrode 水下焊条underwater welding electrode 耐海水腐蚀焊条seawater corrosion resistant steel electrode 低尘低毒焊条low-fume and harmfulless electrode/ low-fume and low-toxic electrode 堆焊焊条surfacing electrode 耐磨堆焊焊条hardfacing electrode 钴基合金堆焊焊条cobalt base alloy surfacing electrode 碳化钨堆焊焊条tungsten carbide surfacing electrode 高锰钢堆焊焊条high manganese steel surfacing electrode 双芯焊条twin electrode 绞合焊条stranded electrode 编织焊条braided electrode 双层药皮焊条double coated electrode 管状焊条flux-cored electrode 气渣联合保护型药皮semi-volatile covering 焊条工艺性usability of the electrode/ technicality of the electrode 焊条使用性running characteristics of an electrode/ operating characteristics of an electrode 焊条熔化性melting characteristics of an electrode 焊条直径core diameter 焊条偏心度eccentricity (of an electrode) 药皮重量系数gravity coefficient of coating 焊条药皮含水量percentage of moisture for covering 焊条夹吃持端bare terminal (of an electrode) 焊条引弧端striking end (of an elcetrode) 焊剂welding flux/ flux 熔炼焊剂fused flux 粘[page_break]结焊剂bonded flux 烧结焊剂sintered flux/ agglomerated flux 窄间隙埋弧焊焊剂flux for narrow-gap submerged arc welding 低氢型焊剂low hydrogen type flux 高速焊剂high speed welding flux 无氧焊剂oxygen-free flux 低毒焊剂low poison flux 磁性焊剂magnetic flux 电弧焊 arc welding 直流电弧焊 direct current arc welding 交流电弧焊 alternating current arc welding 三相电弧焊 three phase arc welding 熔化电弧焊 arc welding with consumable 金属极电弧焊 metal arc welding 不熔化极电弧焊 arc welding with nonconsumable 碳弧焊 carbon arc welding 明弧焊 open arc welding 焊条电弧焊 shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) 重力焊gravity welding 躺焊 fire cracker welding 电弧堆焊 arc surfacing 自动堆焊 automatic surfacing 躺板极堆焊 surfacing by fire cracker welding 带极堆焊 surfacing with band-electrode 振动电弧堆焊 vibratory arc surfacing 耐磨堆焊 hardfacing 埋弧焊 submerged arc welding (SAW) 多丝埋弧焊multiple wire submerged arc welding 纵列多丝埋弧焊 Tandem sequence (submerged-arc welding) 横列多丝埋弧焊 series submerged arc welding (SAW-S) 横列双丝并联埋弧焊 transverse submerged arc welding |
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