焊接专业英语词汇(3) |
日期:2007-9-3 22:04:46 人气:516 [大 中 小] |
横向裂纹 transverse crack 微裂纹 micro-crack; micro-fissure 热裂纹 hot crack 凝固裂纹 solidification crack 晶间裂纹 intercrystalline crack 穿晶裂纹 transcrystalline crack 多边化裂纹 polygonization crack 液化裂纹 liquation crack 失延裂纹 ductility-dip crack 冷裂纹 cold crack 延迟裂纹 delayed crack 氢致裂纹 hydrogen-induced crack 焊道下裂纹 underbead crack 焊根裂纹 root crack 焊趾裂纹 toe crack 锯齿形裂纹 chevron cracking 消除应力处理裂纹 stress relief annealing crack (SR crack) 再热裂纹 reheat crack 焊缝晶间腐蚀 weld intercryctalline corrosion 刀状腐蚀 knife line attack 敏化区腐蚀 weld decay 层状撕裂 lamellar tearing 焊接性试验 weldability 裂纹试验 cracking test IIW裂纹试验 IIW cracking test Y形坡口裂纹试验 slit type cracking test 分块形槽热裂纹试验 segmented circular groove cracking test H形裂纹试验 H-type cracking test 鱼骨形裂纹试验 fishbone cracking test 指形裂纹试验 finger (cracking) test T形裂纹试验 Tee type cracking test 环形槽裂纹试验 circular-groove cracking test 可调拘束裂纹试验 varestraint test BWRA奥氏体钢裂纹试验 BWRA cracking test for austenitie steel 圆棒裂纹试验 bar type cracking test; round bar cracking test 里海裂纹试验 Lehigh restraint cracking test 圆形镶块裂纹试验 circular-path cracking test 十字接头裂纹试验 cruciform cracking test Z向窗口拘束裂纹试验 Z-direction window type restraint cracking test G-BOP焊缝金属裂纹试验 G-BOP weld metal crack test 巴特尔焊道下裂纹试验 Battelle type underbead cracking test U形拉伸试验 U-tension test 缪雷克期热裂纹试验 Murex hot cracking test 菲斯柯裂纹试验 FISCO (type) cracking test CTS裂纹试验 controlled thermal severity 拉伸拘束裂纹试验(TRC试验)tensile restraint cracking test 刚性拘束裂纹试验(RRC试验)rigid restraint cracking test 插销试验 implant test Tigamajig 薄板焊接裂纹试验 Tigamajing thin plate cracking test 焊道纵向弯曲试验 longitudinal-bead test 柯麦雷尔弯曲试验 Kommerell bead bend test 肯泽尔弯曲试验 Kinzel test 缺口弯曲试验 notch bend test 热朔性试验 hot-ductility test 热影响区冲击试验 impact test of HAZ 热影响区模拟试验 synthetic heat-affected zone test 最高硬度试验 maximum hardness test 落锤试验 NRL (Naval Research Laboratory) 测氢试验 Hydrogen test 焊接材料 电极 焊接材料welding consumables 电极electrode 熔化电极consumable electrode 不熔化电极nonconsumable electrode 钨电极tungsten electrode 焊丝welding wire. Welding rod 实心焊丝solid wire 渡铜焊丝copper-plating welding wire 自保护焊丝self-shielded welding wire 药芯焊丝flux-cored wire 复合焊丝combined wire 堆焊焊丝surfacing welding rod 填充焊丝filler wire 焊条electrode/ covered electrode 焊芯core wire 药皮coating (of an electrode)/ covering (of an electrode) 涂料coating flux/coating material 造气剂gas forming constituents 造渣剂slag forming constituents 合金剂alloying constituent 脱氧剂dioxidizer 稳弧剂arc stabilizer 粘接剂binder 水玻璃water glass 水玻璃模数modules of water glass 酸性焊条acid electrode 高钛型焊条high titania (type) electrode 钛钙型焊条lime titania type electrode 钛铁矿形焊条ilmenite type electrode 氧化铁型焊条iron oxide type electrode/ high iron oxide type electrode 高纤维素型焊条high cellulose (type) electrode 石墨型焊条graphite type electrode 碱性焊条basic electrode/ lime type covered electrode |
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