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日期:2007-9-1 16:41:17 人气:55     [ ]
safe chamber (of liquid-inglass thermometer) (玻璃温度计的)安全泡
safeguard of ultratemperature 超温保护装置
safety hardware 安全硬件
safety protection device 安全保护装置
safety standard 安全标准
sales package 销售包装
salinity 盐度
salinometer 盐量计
salt mist test 盐雾腐蚀试验
salt spray character 盐雾特性
salt spray device 盐雾发生装置
salt spray filter 盐雾过滤器
salt spray [mist] test 盐雾试验
same-polarity method of calibrating thermocouple 热遇偶同名极检定法
sample 试样;试样;样本
sample holder 样品支持器
sample injector 进样器
sample resistance 取样电阻
sample size 样本大小
sampled data 采样数据
sampled data control 采样控制
sampled-data control system 采样控制系统
sampled-data system 采样系统
sampled signal 采样信号
sampler 采样器
sampling 采样;取样
sampling action 采样作用
sampling control 采样控制
sampling control system 采样控制系统
sampling controller 采样控制器
sampling cross-section [station] 取样横截面[部位]
sampling element 采样元件
sampling error 采样误差
sampling frequency 采样频率
sampling holder 采样保持器
sampling interval 采样间隔
sampling period 采样周期
sampling pulse 采样脉冲
sampling radiometer 取样辐射仪
sampling rate 采样(速)率
sampling system 采样系统
sampling test 抽样试验
sampling time 采样时间;取样时间
sampling value 采样值
sand dust test chamber 沙尘试验箱
sand pattern method 砂形法
sanitary valve 卫生阀
satellite gravimetry 卫星重力测量
satellite infrared spectroratiometer 星载红外光谱辐射计
satellites 卫星峰
saturated calomel electrode 饱和甘汞电极
saturated standard cell 饱和式标准电池
saturation characteristics 饱和特性
saturation deficit 饱和差
saturation vapour pressure 饱和水汽压
saunders valve 隔膜阀
scale 标度尺;标度板
scale division 标度分格;分格[度]
scale interval 分格[度]值
scale length 标度长度;标度尺长度
scale mark 标度标记
scale marking 标度标志
scale numbering 标度数字
scale range 标度范围
scale sensitivity 分格灵敏度
scale spacing 标度分格间距
scaling (for analogue-to-digital converter) (数/模转换的)规范化
scan rate 扫描速率
scanner 扫描器
scanning 扫描;扫查
scanning electron microscope(SEM) 扫描电子显微镜
scanning ion microprobe 扫描离子微区探针
scanning microwave multiband radiometr (SMMR) 多波段扫描微波辐射仪
scanning radiation thermometer 扫描辐射温度计
scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) 扫描透射电子显微镜
scanning tunnel microscope 扫描隧道显微镜
scattered radiation 散射线
scattering (of radiant energy) (辐射能的)散射
scattering ion energy 散射离子能量
scattering ion energy ratio 散射离子的能量比值
scattering turbidimeter 散射光浊度计
scatterometer 散射计
scintillation detector 闪烁检测器
scintillation emanometer 闪烁室式射气仪
scintillator 闪烁体
screen dump 屏幕转储
screening test 筛选试验
scroll 卷动
sea bed gravimeter 海底重力仪
sea state 海况
seal chamber 隔离室
sealed capacitor 密封电容器
sealed case 密封外壳
sealed standard resistor 密封式标准电阻器
sealed triple point cell 密封三相点容器
search coil 测量线圈
search technique 搜索技术
seat leakage 阀座泄漏
seat load 阀座负载
seat ring 阀座
seawater mercurometer 海水测汞仪
second specimen chamber 第二样品室
secondary circuit 二次电路
secondary coil 二次线圈
secondary current 二次电流
secondary device 二次装置
secondary electron detector 二次电子探测器
secondary ion 二次离子
secondary ion background 二次离子本底
secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS) 二次离子质谱计
secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) 二次离子质谱法
secondary ion spectrometer 二次离子谱仪
secondary ion spectroscopy 二次离子谱法
secondary limiting e.m.f.二次极限电动势
secondary limiting thermal current 二次极限热电流
secondary radar 二次雷达
secondary reference point 第二类参考点
secondary standard 副基准(器)
secondary standard seawater 幅标准海水
secondary voltage 二次电压
secondary winding 二次绕组
sector magnetic analyzer 扇形磁分析器
sediment dynamics data acquisition system 沉积动力学数据测量系统
sedimentation balance 沉降天平
Seebeck coefficient 塞贝克系数
Seebeck effect 塞贝克效应
Seebeck(thermal) electromotive force 塞贝克(热)电势
segment 扇形齿轮
segmental orifice plate 圆缺孔板
seismic analog computer 地震模拟计算机
seismic data acquisition system (SDAS) 数字地震仪
seismic data recording system (SDRS) 数字地震仪
seismic digital computer 地震数字计算机
seismic effects 地震效应
seismic group recorder system (SGR) 分组式遥测型地震仪
seismic group telemetry system (SGT) 分组式遥测型地震仪
seismic logger 地震测井仪
seismic prospecting instrument 地震勘探仪器
seismic record 地震记录
selected area electron amplification image 选区电子放大象
selected area electron diffraction image 选区电子衍射象
selecting 选择
selective absorption 选择吸收
selective radiator 选择辐射体
selectivity 选择性
selectivity coefficient 选择系数
self-absorption 自吸
self-actuated regulator 自力式调节阀
self-compensating propeller 自补偿旋桨
self-contained STD profiling system 自容式温盐深剖面仪
self-diagonostic alarm panel 自诊断报警画面
self-electrode 自由极
self-excitation optical pumping magnetometer 自激式光泵磁力仪
self-excited vibration 自激励振动
self-heating 自热
self-heating error 自热误差
self-induced vibration 自激振动
self-latch solenoid valve 保持式电磁阀
self-operated controller 自力式控制器
self-operated controller 自力式控制器
self-operated differential pressure regulator 自力式差压调节阀
self-operated flow regulator 自力式流量调节阀
self-operated level regulator 自力式液位调节阀
self-operated level regulator 自力式液位调节阀
self-operated pressure regulator 自力式压力调节阀
self-operated regulator 自力式调节阀
self-operated temperature regulator 自力式温度调节阀
self-optimizing control 自寻优控制
self-optimizing system 自寻优系统
self-programming 自编程
self-reducing techeometer 自动归算速测仪
self-regulating 自调整
self-rapairing 自修复
self-temperturecompensated strain gauge 温度自补偿应变计
self-tuning 自校正
self-tuning control 自校正控制
semantic network 语义网络
semi-anechoic chamber 半电波暗室
semi-automatic logging instrument 半自动测井仪
semi-automatic testing machine 半自动试验机
semi-automation 半自动化
semiconducting specimen stage 半导体样品台
semiconductor strain gauge 半导体应变计
semidigital readout 半数字读出
semi-graphic panel 半模拟盘[屏]
semi-physical simulation 半实物仿真
sensing clement 敏感元件;检测元件
sensing gorque shaft 转矩传感轴
sensitive grid 敏感栅
sensitive limit 灵敏限
sensitivity 灵敏度
sensitivity analysis 灵敏度分析
sensitivity coefficient 灵敏度系数
sensitivity drift 灵敏度漂移
sensitivity of microphone 传声器灵敏度
sensitization type inclinometer 感光记录测斜仪
sensor 检测元件;传感元件;传感器
sensor with bare wire sensitive element 裸丝敏感元件传感器
sensor with externalconvection sensitive element 外对流敏感元件传感器
sensor with intrnalconvection sensitive element 内对流敏感元件传感器
sensor with supporter catalyst filled element 载体催化元件传感器
sensory control 感觉控制
separability 可分性
separate galvanometer 分装式检流计
separation number 分离数
sequential auto-spectrometer 顺序式自动光谱仪
sequential control 顺序控制
sequential control station 顺序控制站
sequential control system 顺序控制系统
sequential controller 顺序控制器
sequential decomposition 顺序分解
sequential least squares estimation 序贯最小二乘估计
sequential optimization 顺序优化
sequential program 顺序程序
sequential topology 顺序拓朴
sequential X-ray spectrometer 扫描X射线光谱仪
serial access 串行存取
serial computer 串行计算机
serial crate controller 串行机箱控制器
serial crate controller type L2 L2型串行机箱控制器
serial grade-L field 串行分级L字段
serial highway 串行信息公路
serial operation 串行操作
serial processing 串行处理
serial transmission 串行传输
seriation 系列化
series capacitor 串联电容器
series inductor 串联电感器
series-mode rejection 串模抑制
series-mode rejection ratio(SMRR) 串模抑制比
series-mode signal 串模信号
series-mode voltage 串模电压
series operation 串联工作
series output system 串行输出制
series resistor 串联电阻器
series-parallel output system 串—并行输出制
server 服务器
service regulator 气源减压器
service routine 服务程序;实用例行程序
service speed 工作转速
service system 服务系统
servo amplifier 伺服放大器
servo-balancing type 随动[伺服]平衡型
servo control 伺服控制;随动控制
servo motor 伺服电动机;伺服马达
servo pressure transducer 伺服式压力传感器
servo(system) 伺服系统;随动系统
servo transducer [sensor] 伺服式传感器
servo valve 伺服阀
servo-valve control device 伺服阀控制装置
servomechanism 伺服机构
set point 设定点
set point control (SPC) 设定点控制
set point generator 设定点发生器
set (point) value 设定值
setting spring 设定弹簧
setting temperature 设定温度
settling t

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