矿业工程专业英语词汇(W-Z) |
日期:2007-8-29 21:23:23 人气:134 [大 中 小] |
wet belt separator 湿式带式磁选机 wet boring 湿法钻进 wet bulb thermometer 湿球湿度表 wet classification 湿法分级 wet cleaning method 湿选法 wet concentration 湿选 wet crushing 湿法破碎 wet drifter 湿式架式凿岩机 wet drilling 湿式钻眼 wet dust removal 湿式除尘 wet grinding 湿粉碎 wet ground 含水层 wet lateral 排水平巷 wet magnetic separation 湿法磁选 wet method 湿法 wet method of mining 水力开采法 wet mill 湿磨机 wet milling 湿磨 wet preparation 湿选 wet process 湿法 wet pulp distributor 矿浆分配器 wet rotary drilling 湿式旋转钻眼 wet screening 湿法筛分 wet separation 湿法分选 wet separator 湿法分选机 wet sieving 湿法筛分 wet sinker drill 凿井用湿式钻机 wet treatment 湿选 wet wash allowance 湿法选矿后的水分容差 wetness 湿度 wettability 可湿性 wetting 润湿 wetting agent 润湿剂 wetting angle 润湿角 wheel 车轮 wheel barrow 手推车 wheel base 轴距 wheel excavator 轮式挖掘机 wheel mounted belt conveyor 轮式胶带运输机 wheel mounted scraper 轮式铲运机 wheel transport 车辆运输 wheel trench excavator 轮式挖沟机 whin 硬石 whipper 翻车机 whirl 涡旋 whirler crane 回转式起重机 white lead 铅白 white lead ore 白铅矿 white nickel 砷镍矿 white tin 金属锡 whole filling 全部充填 widening 扩大 width 厚度 wild fire 爆炸性气 wildcat drilling 钻探 wilfley table 威尔弗莱型摇床 willemite 硅锌矿 wimble 清除炮眼用木棒 win the coal 采煤 winch 绞车 winch barrel 绞车滚筒 winch driving gear 绞车传动机构 winch truck 汽车式绞车 wind roadway 风道 winder motor 提升机的电动机 windhole 风道 winding 提升 winding arrangement 提升设备 winding cage 提升罐笼 winding depth 提升深度 winding machine 提升机 winding plant 提升装置 winding roadway 弯曲巷道 winding rope 提升钢丝绳 [page_break]winding shaft 提升井 winding speed 提升速度 winding tower 提升塔 windlass 绞车 windlass man 提升机工 wing 叶片 wing pump 活翼式泵 winiding drum 提升滚筒 winning 开采 winning assembly 采矿机组 winning bord 回采煤房 winning costs 开采费 winning equipment 采矿设备 winning machine 采煤机 winning operations 采矿 winning to the top 沿上山开采 winnowing 风选 winze 溜井 wire 金属丝 wire gauze 金属丝网 wire line drilling 钢丝绳钻眼 wire line pump 绳祟井泵 wire mesh reinforcement 钢丝网钢筋 wire netting 金属丝网 wire rope 钢丝绳 wire rope guide 钢丝绳道 wire rope pulley 钢丝绳轮 wire rope reel 钢丝绳卷筒 wire rope tramway 架空死 wire sieve 金属丝筛 wire tramway 架空死 withdrawal 回收 withdrawing 回收 witherite 毒重石 wolfram 钨 wolframite 黑钨矿 wollastonite 硅灰石 wood 木材 wood brattice 木隔墙 wood charcoal 木炭 |
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