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日期:2007-8-29 21:23:12 人气:426     [ ]
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circulating water 循环水
circulation pump 循环泵
circumferential force 圆周力
circumferential pitch 圆周齿距
circumferential speed 圆周速度
circumferential stress 圆周应力
circumferential velocity 圆周速度
cirscale 圆形刻度
cistern 贮液器
city gas 城市煤气
civil aviation 民航
civil engineering 土木工程
clack valve 瓣阀
cladding 包复
clamp 夹具
clamp collar 夹圈
clamp coupling 壳形联轴器
clamp lever 夹紧杆
clamp on ammeter 夹钳安培表
clamp plate 夹板
clamp ring 夹圈
clamped beam 固定梁
clamping bolt 紧固螺栓
clamping coupling 壳形联轴节
clamping device 夹具
clamping force 夹紧力
clamping jaw 夹爪
clamping screw 固定螺丝
clamshel dredger 抓斗式挖泥船
clamshell 抓斗
clamshell bucket 抓斗
clamshell excavator 蛤壳式戽斗挖掘机
clapeyron equation 克拉珀龙方程式
clarification 澄清
clarifier 澄清器
clasp 挂钩
classical mechanics 经典力学
classification 分级
classification yard 编组站
classifier 分级机
classifying 分级
classifying screen 分级筛
clausius clapeyron equation 克劳修斯 克拉珀方程
claw 爪
claw clutc

[page_break]h 牙嵌离合器牙嵌离合器
claw coupling 爪形联轴节
clay 粘土
clean room 净化室
cleaner 净化器
cleaning 清洗
cleaning hole 清洗孔
cleaning of castings 铸件清理
cleaning of emissions 排放物净化
cleanout 清洗孔
clear opening 网目尺寸
clear span 净跨
clearance 间隙
clearance angle 后角
clearance fit 间隙配合
clearance for expansion 膨胀间隙
clearance gage 测隙规
clearance space 有害空间
clevis u 形夹
click 掣子
climb milling 顺铣
climbing speed 爬升速度
clincher rim 紧钳轮辋
clinker 锅炉渣;熔块
clinometer 测斜仪
clip nut 对开螺母
clock 钟表
clock mechanism 钟表机构
clock spring 表簧
clockwise direction 顺时针方向
clockwise rotation 顺时针旋转
clockwork 钟表机构
clod breaker 碎土块机
clod crusher 碎土块机
clogging 阻塞
closed annealing 封闭退火
closed circuit 闭路
closed construction 封闭结构
closed cycle 闭路循环
closed die 封闭模
closed double housing planer 双柱龙门刨床
closed loop 闭合回线
closed loop control 闭环控制
closed loop numerical control 闭环数值控制
closed loop system 闭环系统
closed rankine cycle 闭合兰金循环
closed system 封闭系统
closed type bearing 封闭式轴承
closing head 铆钉上头
cloud point 浊点
cluster gear 连身齿轮
clutch 离合器
clutch brake 离合脾
clutch casing 离合柒壳
clutch cone 离合撇锥
clutch disk 离合撇盘
clutch facing 离合痞擦衬片
clutch housing 离合柒壳
clutch lever 离合扑
clutch lining 离合痞擦衬片
clutch pedal 离合皮脚
clutch plate 离合撇盘
clutch shaft 离合漆
clutch slip 离合片动
clutch slippage 离合片动
clutch thrust plate 离合乒盘
cm 化学铣切
cnc 计算机数控
cnc lathe 计算机数控车床
cnc machine tool 计算机数控机床
cnc milling machine 计算机数控铣床
cnc robot 计算机数控机扑
co3 gas arc welding 二氧化碳气体电弧焊
co3 laser 二氧化碳激光
coach 客车
coach wrench 活扳手
coagulant 凝聚剂
coagulating agent 凝聚剂
coagulation 凝聚
coal 煤
coal bin 贮煤槽
coal breaker 碎煤机
coal briquette 煤砖
coal bunker 贮煤槽
coal burning boiler 煤锅炉
coal car 运煤车
coal carbonization 煤干馏
coal chute 放煤槽
coal combine 联合采煤机
coal crusher 碎煤机
coal cutter 截煤机
coal dust 煤粉
coal dust mill 磨煤机
coal fired boiler 烧煤锅炉
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