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日期:2007-8-29 21:22:57 人气:206     [ ]
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headframe 井架
headgear 井架
heading 追
heading machine 掘进联合机
headlamp 前大灯
headlight 前大灯
headrace 导水沟
headstock 床头
headstok centre 活顶尖
hear utilization 废热利用
heart cam 心形凸轮
heart wood 中心木质
hearth 锻工炉
heat 热
heat absorption 热的吸收
heat accumulation 蓄热
heat accumulator 蓄热器
heat and mass transfer 热质量转移
heat balance 热平衡
heat balance diagram 热平衡图
heat barrier 热障
heat capacity 热容
heat carrier 热载体
heat carrying agent 热载体
heat conduction 热传导
heat conductivity 热传导系数
heat consumption 热量消耗
heat content 热含量
heat convection 热对流
heat cycle 热循环
heat dissipation 热发散
heat distribution 热分配
heat drop 热降低
heat economy 热经济
heat effect 热效应
heat emission 热辐射
heat energy 热能
heat engine 热力发动机
heat engineering 热工学
heat equivalent 热当量
heat equivalent of work 热功当量
heat exchange 热交换
heat exchange surface 热交换面
heat exchanger 热交换器换热器
heat expansion 热膨胀
heat flow 热流
heat flow meter 热疗
heat flux 热流
heat flux density 热淋度
heat input 热收入
heat insulating glass 绝热玻璃
heat insulating material 绝热材料
heat insulation 热绝缘
heat insulator 绝热材料
heat load 热负荷
heat loss 热损失
heat of adsorption 吸附热
heat of combustion 燃烧热
heat of compression 压缩热
heat of condensation 冷凝热
heat of crystallization 结晶热
heat of decomposition 分解热
heat of desorption 解吸热
heat of dilution 稀释热
heat of dissociation 离解热
heat of evaporation 汽化热
heat of explosion 爆炸热
heat of formation 生成热
heat of fusion 熔解热
heat of hydratation 水化热
heat of liquefaction 液化热
heat of mixing 混合热
heat of neutralization 中和热
heat of radiation 辐射热
heat of reaction 反应热
heat of reaction at constant pressure 恒压反应热
heat of reaction at constant volume 恒容反应热
heat of reduction 还原热
heat of solidification 凝固热
heat of solution 溶解热
heat of sublimation 升华热
heat of sulution 溶解热
heat of swelling 膨润热
heat of transformation 转化热
heat of transition 转化热
heat of vaporization 汽化热
heat of wetting 润湿热
heat output 热功率
heat pipe 热管
heat power plant 火力发电厂
heat pump 热泵
heat quantity 热量
heat radiation 热辐射
heat recovery 热回收
heat regenerator 交粱热器
heat regulator 温度第器
heat release 放热
heat release of furnace 炉膛发热率
heat resistance 耐热性
heat resistant alloy 耐热合金
heat resistant gasket 耐热性垫子
heat resistant glass 耐热玻璃
heat resistant steel 耐热钢
heat resisting alloy 耐热合金
heat resisting material 耐热材料
heat resisting quality 耐热性
heat resisting steel 耐热钢
heat screen 挡热板
heat sensitive sensor 热敏传感器
heat shield 挡热板
heat source 热源
heat storage 蓄热
heat storage capacity 蓄热能力
heat supply 热收入
heat tint 回火色
heat transfer 传热
heat transfer surface 传热面
heat transmission 传热
heat transmission coefficient 热传递系数
heat treating furnace 热处理炉
heat treatment 热处理
heat unit 热单位
heater 加热器
heating 加热;采暖
heating boiler 供暖锅炉
heating by stove 炉子供暖
heating coil 加热用螺旋线
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